Collecting Lead Paint Dust from Core Bits when Insulating Walls

Dust Collection Products in San Diego manufactures and sells a complete line of dust collectors for hand tools. They are used to collect toxic materials ranging from lead paint and asbestos to fiberglass, silica dust and radioactive contaminants.

Although the Dust Muzzles for grinders are their most popular items, they have a new Dust Muzzle that is made for use with core bits when drilling holes in drywall that is coated with lead paint, radioactive concrete, fiberglass or other toxic coatings. It is called the Dust Muzzle DC and it comes in two models, the DM2DC for core bits up to 2” and the DM3DC for core bits up to 3”.

The Dust Muzzle DC is a hands free tool. When the Dust Muzzle is used with an industrial (Nacecare 570) vacuum that produces 90+ inches of static lift and 120+ cubic ft/minute of airflow (also available from Dust Collection Products) the Dust Muzzle DC will adhere itself to the wall or ceiling allowing the operator to use both hands to control the grinder or drill motor driving the core bit.

With the enactment of the new RRP rule, all pre-1978 dwellings must be tested for lead paint before any remodeling or other construction is begun. With stimulus money being spent to make buildings more energy efficient, there are many applications for the Dust Muzzle DC when drilling through drywall or exterior stucco and siding so that insulation can be pumped into the walls.

When using the Dust Muzzle DC, the vacuum does double duty. It adheres the dust shroud to the wall and it creates a negative pressure around the core bit by means of multiple castellations on the inner collar.

For large industrial jobs, Dust Collection Products has a complete line of vacuums that are capable of running up to 4 dust collectors per vacuum. They keep a complete stock all of the splitters, hose end adapters and hoses needed to build these systems.

All Dust Collection Products dust collectors will work efficiently with an industrial (Nacecare 570) vacuum that has at least 90” of static lift, 100 CFM of airflow and replaceable filter bags.

Having been in business for over 20 years, Dust Collection Products has the knowledge and experience to deliver affordable solutions related to working with OSHA, the EPA guidelines and the new RRP rule governing lead paint removal.

Dust Collection Products | San Diego, CA | 877-223-2154 |