The Chip Muzzle can be trimmed for specific purposes. When working around asbestos coated pipes, it can be shaped into a concave shape or when working in corners it can be mitered for greater efficiency. When used with a standard industrial vacuum, it will collect up to 95% of the toxic dusts being removed. It comes with all the necessary attachments including a 3/4″ step up hose for adapting to our standard 4′ x 1.25″ hose. If you have a 1.5″ (ID) vacuum hose, you will need to purchase our Dust Muzzle Step-Down Hose ($14.95)
The Chip Muzzle
Durable and Affordable Dust Collection
For Needle scalers up to 2.5″ diameter • Installs in Minutes
The Chip Muzzle can be trimmed for specific purposes. When working around asbestos coated pipes, it can be shaped into a concave shape or when working in corners it can be mitered for greater efficiency. When used with a standard industrial vacuum, it will collect up to 95% of the toxic dusts being removed. It comes with all the necessary attachments including a 3/4″ step up hose for adapting to our standard 6′ x 1.25″ x 2″ hose.
For maximum efficiency using the Chip Muzzle the operator must have an industrial grade 2hp vacuum system.
How the Chip Muzzle Works
The Chip Muzzle uses a side pickup to apply suction to the general area of the work surface and remove toxic dusts from the workplace. When connected to any standard 2 hp industrial vacuum, the Dust Muzzle can remove up to 95% of the pollutants at the point of origin.
The Chip Muzzle is excellent for working on irregular surfaces and in hard to get at corners. It is especially efficient working around rivets on steel bridges and on inside corners such as ships deck-bulkhead joints and on steel structures.
The Chip Muzzle can be shaped to special uses. When working on inside corners, the Chip Muzzle can be cut to a 90 degree miter. When working on asbestos pipes, the Chip Muzzle can be shaped to have a concave curve on the pickup face in order to have a better fit to the shape of the pipes.
Works with any needle scaler or chipping hammer up to 2.15” in diameter.
Lightweight and durable
Can be shaped for special uses
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The Chip Muzzle Components

The Chip Muzzle Assembled