toxic dust removal san diego

Concrete Floor Surface Preparation

Preparing concrete surfaces for stains and overlays is a time consuming process that takes careful attention to detail to ensure each step is followed. If any steps are missed, a contractor can run the costly risk of not producing the planned results and having to re-do the job from the beginning.


Concrete Construction Masonry Construction

Today’s builders and designers recognize the value concrete adds to their plans. Concrete binds structures together, adds support, and adds ascetically pleasing architectural elements to a building. Concrete functions as the centerpiece to some of the most breathtaking construction projects.


Concrete, Artisans, Designers, Grinding , Dust Collectors

The issue with extensive use of concrete and masonry products in building today, is the increased potential/risk of exposing construction workers to the hazardous dust particles that typical in the cutting and grinding process. Grinding surfaces like fiberglass, concrete, wood, paint and epoxies can create toxic dusts that lead to the potential exposure of hazardous substances in the air.

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